HIGHLIGHTS -Updates to ALPHDM03 - Igneous -New armor voxels -New updated ability icons -New Passive Ability: Cell Boost -Buffed most Passive Abilities to make them more impactful WEAPON CHANGES -Shared Alt-Fire cooldown reduced 2s -> 1s -Energy recharge cooldown reworked slightly -All weapons now begin recharging energy after they finish firing rather than before -Delay before energy regenerates 90t -> 60t -Beam Rifle -Alt-Fire -Fixed a bug where Mega Ray would get stuck in an infinite loop if fired with an odd energy amount (This was also patched in alphatius2-qz-008-patch2.pk3) -Flamespitter -Main-Fire -Molten Ray speed increased 48 -> 64 -Molten Ray gravity increased 1.0 -> 1.25 -Fixed Molten Ray using old "Flame Barrage" obituary -Fixed Molten Ray using old "Flame Barrage" name in Loadout menu. -Photon Carbine -Main Fire -Plasma Pellets and Carbine Burst projectile hitbox adjusted (Radius 6 -> 4, Height 6 -> 8) -Adjusted VFX trail offset -Alt-Fire -Underbarrel Shotblast wall hit sound added -Spark Cannon -Alt-Fire -Reduced Destabilized Orb projectile speed 28 -> 24 -Slightly changed VFX for Hadron Charger TRAVEL ABILITY CHANGES -Hypersprint -Active speed increased 25% -> 30% ACTION ABILITY CHANGES -Auto Laser -Damage Increased 5 -> 6 -Regeneration Zone -Duration decreased 4s -> 3s -Shock Slam -Damage increased 35 -> 50 -Radius increased 192 -> 256 -Delay before detonation increased 18t -> 20t -Cooldown reduced 20s -> 15s PASSIVE ABILITY CHANGES -Added a new Passive: Cell Boost -Grants a Power Cell on spawn. -Kills grant 25% damage boost for 2 seconds. -Bandolier -Energy restore increased 25% -> 35% -Added a sound that plays when activated -Rapid-Alt Tech -Cooldown reduction increased 3s -> 4s -Added a sound that plays when activated -Adrenaline Rush -No longer reduces passive health regeneration delay. -Added a sound that plays when activated -Vigor -Increases Max Health by 20 instead of granting 20 bonus health on spawn. MAP CHANGES -Map name, music, and music artists are now displayed on match start. -Changed the music for ALPHDM01 "Quarry". -Updated skybox effects and changed lava room on ALPHDM03 "Igneous" -Added more map details to ALPHDM05 "Frostbite" including crystals and room glows -Increased lift delay on ALPHDM09 "Sinkhole", ALPHDM10 "Andesite", and ALPHDM13 "Crevice" -Added more map details to ALPHDM14 "Heatwave" including crystals in some areas -Updated Firing range to include a loadout swap switch -Added Domination support for the following maps: -ALPHDM03 "Igneous" -ALPHDM05 "Frostbite" -ALPHDM06 "Protoplanet" -ALPHDM08 "Waste" -ALPHDM09 "Sinkhole" -ALPHDM11 "Excavation" -ALPHDM14 "Heatwave" PICKUP CHANGES -Nano Armor sprite changed. -Nano Armor and Nano Plate pickups have a new voxel model -Nano Armor and Nano Plate hitbox heights increased to match the visuals Nano Armor height increased 24 -> 40 Nano Plate height increased 24 -> 48 -Medikit hitbox changed Medikit height 16 -> 24 USER INTERFACE CHANGES -All ability icons are now updated -Intermission picture updated -Changed Field of View and Zoom Speed sliders to increase in increments of 1 instead of 0.1 -Added obtained weapons on the side of the HUD. -Fixed a bug where Cooldown rings would flash on the HUD. (This was also patched in alphatius2-qz-008-patch1.pk3) -Fixed a bug where Powerup tints would flash on the HUD. (This was also patched in alphatius2-qz-008-patch1.pk3) BOT CHANGES -Liljeck color changed -[CR]yler bot stats increased slightly, color changed slightly -Added bot "AlexBrightLight" -Added bot "SkyHighFrags" OTHER CHANGES -Player Mass reduced 100 -> 50. This effectively means that knockback is increased by double across the board -Updated credits -Updated Readme -Most sound effects have reduced volume. -Platform raise and lower sounds added.